Oso Flaco Lake is situated about 3 miles north of
Guadalupe. From Guadalupe, head north on Hwy 1 and turn left onto Oso Flaco
Lake Rd. There is a small sign, but it is easy to miss. As you continue west on
Oso Flaco Lake Rd, you might be surprised that there is a lake nearby, since almost
the entire road is surrounded by agricultural fields. At the end of the road is
a parking lot and the entrance.
Parking is $5 per car ($4 for seniors and $2.50 for
disabled visitors) and be sure to bring the correct change since there is no
ranger on duty and you must place the fee in an envelope and deliver it in a
metal tube.
Upon entering, you travel down a dirt path as seen on the right, with trees on both sides and eventually come to a fork in the road. You can either continue on going straight, which I did not do, or turn left and cross a bridge over the beautiful lake full of ducks and other wildlife. I do not know what was up ahead on the straight path, but I am glad that I headed to the left and over the lake.

Eventually you come to see sand dunes and the ocean peeking out above them. There is a path that leads right down to the beach, however, most of it is closed off to the public due to the conservation of the snowy plover bird that uses the area for its breeding and habitation.
The beach is nice and more private than nearby Pismo Beach or Avila Beach, most likely due to Oso Flaco being a bit hidden and therefore harder to find.